About our estate/20231003-_MBO6697-HDR.jpg.aspx?lang=en-US&width=348&height=232)
Oosting-HorseRiding is situated only 20 minutes (10,7km) from the typical French town Castres.
In this beautiful area Le Sidobre (Tarn), we organize unique horse riding holidays.
Everything present for a perfect holiday!
Our estate itself covers 20 hectares.
Here you will find the private as well as the guest house with restaurant/bar and stables. All within walking distance.
Read more about our facilities here.
Our horses/20230930-_MBO5900.jpg.aspx?lang=en-US&width=348&height=232)
Our horses' well being is our central focus, as they are the most important to us.
Grazing together in vast pastures ensures that they are happy and get along well together.
The horses are trained for the strength and endurance that is required for rides and ranch work.
They are social, listen well and are very reliable.
For the las few years, we also have a small breeding program and the young horses love te be around people too.