Hier vindt u onze fotogallerij met foto's van de afgelopen jaren.
Met veel dank aan al onze gasten die deze foto's hebben gemaakt cq beschikbaar hebben gesteld. Zonder jullie input zouden we niet zo'n mooie collectie hebben.
Here you find our picture gallery with pics of the past years. With thanks to all of our guests who made these pics available. Without your input we would not have such a nice collection.
(New pics are always welcome. We prefer to receive them in the biggest format possible via e-mail, on CD/DVD or via
Our family exists of Yank, his daughter Jacqueline and granddaughter Amber. Obviously all animals at our ranch also belong to our family. |
Guest rooms & common area
Here you get a picture of the guest rooms and common area where breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served. |
Here you find some general pictures of our horses |
Stable area
A look at the stables and taking care of the horses after a trail ride.
Our horses only come at the stables to eat or when the weather is very, very bad. The remaining time they are relaxing in the meadow.
Our motto: first the horse, then the rider... |
A selection of the many trail ride pictures. We love to receive recent pictures, so if you have nice pics you like to share with us we appreciate receiving them in the biggest format possible. |